Feb 7, 2011

Enter to win a free children’s portrait shoot by THE LEEKERS (http://bit.ly/e4nZUA)

Jan 11, 2011

Day 10 January 10th, 2011

A REAL snow day!

School was canceled due to the snow storm so we got outside again to play in the deep snow!

Jan 9, 2011

Day 9  January 9, 2011
Snow day
Day 8   January 8, 2011
Team Jacob
My nephew Jacob turned 8 this last week and  the family all came over to celebrate 
Day 7   01-07-11
Winter Storm blowing through
Day 6    01-06-11
I made Chili :)

Jan 6, 2011

01-05-11 Day 5
Foam Soap Excitement 
 Kayla got some foam soap for Christmas and we pulled it out last night. She kept loudly giggling and saying "This is the best bath EVER!"
01-04-11 Day 4
Toy Grabber 
 This was a busy day, so I didn't much chance to shoot. This is though a big milestone for miss Emily so good that it is documented:)
01-03-11  Day3
Another Angry Birds Addict
01-02-11  Day2
Tummy Time

Project 365

I have been interested in this project since last year when I found a few blogs from other photographers that were doing it.One photo, everyday for a year. Doesn't seem that hard for me who is constantly got a camera in hand. Needless to say, I didn't start one and here it is a year later and I am finally making the commitment! I don't so well with setting a timeline or schedule for myself since I stopped working outside the house. I used to ALWAYS have a timeline and schedule, and I have gotten used to doing things on my own time and if I didn't get it done, oh well. I could just do it later or tomorrow. So I am giving myself ONE commitment/assignment and I'm going to stick to it! Even if my photo is not so hot one day cause the baby kept me busy or I got behind on housework:) This is such a cool idea, but i was stuck on the fact that a lot of the other photographers had this awesome scenery and all these different places they had traveled to. I thought how I don't get around to anywhere but maybe a playground or the zoo. BUT then I realized that that is their world and my world is at home, with my girls, my family and my friends. Who cares if every other picture is of Kayla, or Emily or a cat or Dog. They are MY life and what I LOVE to photograph :)
So here we go....

01-01-11 Day 1