May 12, 2013

Backyard play

Playing peek a boo with mom. This girl is busy busy BUSY!
She is always pretending to be a different animal. Today she was a very rare 'Green Panda'. Not to be confused with a Red Panda, lol. I was the animal researcher with my 'Binoculars' observing this rare Panda in her habitat. :) Love this kids imagination!!! ( insert Spongebob's rainbow )

Apr 30, 2013


I not a huge fans of bugs in my house.(gross!!!) but I can appreciate them in there own environment. Except spiders...I don't appreciate them even though they are good for my garden, eat others bugs, blah, blah, BLAH. Anyways just in a mood to post some of my faves that I have taken over the years.